The application deadline for studies in the springsemester 2021 has been extended. New deadline: 18.12.2020. The deadline will not be extended any further.

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Mandatory e-learning course in infection prevention
Everyone who is returning to campus must complete a 15-minute e-learning course in infection prevention.
Sámi University of Applied Sciences well prepared to keep the campus safe
It will be a different start to the semester due to the corona situation. The health and safety of all the students and employees at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences is given the highest priority.
Information regarding the corona virus
NB! All guidelines by Sámi University of Applied Sciences regarding coronavirus have been compiled to this page.
Sámi National Day at Sámi allaskuvla
Sámi Allaskuvla is celebrating the Sámi National Day until midday at Diehtosiida.