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May 04. beaivi 2021
The application deadline for autumn semester studies 2021 has been extended!
Sámi University of Applied Sciences has extended the application deadline until the 1st of July for the following studies:
Full-time study(30 ECTS)
Single courses
- Knowledge of Indigenous Cultural Expressions and Arts
- News Journalism 1
- Sámi culture and society
- Morphology and Syntax in North Sámi
- North Sami phonetics, phonology and orthographies
- Sámi literature, basic course
- Theoretical approaches for traditional knowledge and methods for documentation and dissemination
- Samisk språkdidaktik med fokus på muntlig tradisjon og grunleggande ferdigheter
- Introductory Sámi Language in Practical Situation –Part II
Continuing educations for teachers:
- Mathematics 2- Continuing Education for Primary and Lower Secondary School Teachers Grades 5-10
- Social studies 2 -Continuing Education for Primary and Lower Secondary School Teachers Grades 5-10
- The teacher's professional digital competence
Competence development courses for Sámi early childhood teachers and employees:
Apply for studies through Søknadsweb
Application deadline: 01.07.
Apply for studies at the worlds only Sámi higher educational institution! Welcome!
If you have any questions in regards to the application, please get in touch with the study administration by email