Latest news
- Mandatory e-learning course in infection prevention
- Sámi University of Applied Sciences well prepared to keep the campus safe
- Information regarding the corona virus
- Sámi National Day at Sámi allaskuvla
- Apply for Spring 2020 studies
- Academic administration - opening hours
- Ten points to know about before diving into studentlife
- Starting your studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences
- Apply for a north2north scholarship and go on a student exchange!
Oza north2north stipeandda ja vuolgge lonohallamii!
Oza north2north stipeandda ja vuolgge lonohallamii, oahppojagi 2019- 2020! Don sáhtát vuolgit lonohallamii universitehtii dahje allaskuvlii olggobealde Norgga mii lea Árktalaš universitehta/ University of the Arctic miellahttu. Miellahttoásahusat leat USA:s- Alaskas, Kanadas, Ruoššas, Dánmárkkus/ Kalaallit Nunaatas/ Færsulluin, Islánddas, Suomas ja Ruoŧas. Loga eambbo north2north lonohallama birra, dáppe.
Maiddái studeanttat miellahttoásahusain USA:s, Ruoššas ja Kanadas, sáhttet ohcat north2north stipeandda boahtit Sámi allaskuvlii gazzat oahpu, oahppojagi 2019- 2020. Loga eambbo dáppe.
Studeantalonohallan ferte leat gaskkal 6 vahku- 10 mánu. Don sáddet e-boastta, jus háliidat vuolgit lonohallamii. Bija maiddái motivašuvdnareivve mielddusin e-bostii (reivves eai galgga peršundieđut).
Váldde oktavuođa jus dus leat jearaldagat, tlf. 78448458, dahje e-boastta bokte.