Latest news
- Journalists gathered on Inclusive Journalism
- Go on a north2north exchange, spring 2016!
- North2north exchange funds for students
- Studeantan geahččalit eará riikkas?
- Catalog of Studies 2015-2016
- In Memoriam Leif Rantala
- NASA and Sámi University of Applied Sciences collaborates
- Extending the opportunity for registration
- Indigenous Research in the 21th Century: Workshop

July 19. beaivi 2020
Sámi oahpaheaddjeoahpuin ain sajit ohcanládje
Rabas oahpposajiide sáhttá ohcat suoidemánu 20. beaivvi dii: 09:00 rájes oktasaš sisaváldima (Samordna opptak) bokte.
- Sámi vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheaddjeoahpu 1.-7. ceahki mastergráda (300 oahppočuoggá)
- Sámi vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheaddjeoahpu 5.-10. ceahki mastergráda (300 oahppočuoggá)
Rabas oahpuide lea dađistaga sisaváldin. Dat mearkkaša ahte don fertet ohcat nu jođánit go vejolaš suoidnemánu 20.b. rájes. Eai buohkat boađe oažžut oahpposadjefálaldaga jus leat eambbo ohccit go rabas oahpposajit.
Fuomáš! Galggat vástidit ovdal suoidemánu 24. beaivvi dii 2359 válddát go saji.