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- Činu rahppan Diehtosiidas
- – Stuorimus maid sápmelaš sáhttá oažžut
- – Leatgo dis oahpaheaddjit midjiide?
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- - Eai lean dušše guokte davvisápmelačča

Ten points to know about before diving into studentlife
The introduction and welcome week is right around the corner, beginning monday August 26th. We have put together ten suggestions for a good start on your academic year.
1. Pay the student registration fee.
You will not be able to process the student registration unless this is done. The invoice will not be sent to you by post or email, you have to get it yourself on studentweb.
2. Student Registration
You are not a student before you have registered as a student on studentweb. Remember to register for classes, you will not be able to take exams nor be able to apply for student loan/scholarship from Lånekassen.
N.B. If you are not a Norwegian resident, you will have to contact the SUAS Academic Administration to receive username and password.
3. Apply for student loan/scholarship
Only registered students can apply for a student loan or scholarship through Lånekassen.
4. Create an IT-account
All students must have an IT-account, you can create one here.
5. Student ID
When you have paid the student registration fee, download the student ID card app “Studentbevis”. This app is valid as a student ID, and verifies that you are a student and that you have paid the registration fee. You can get student discounts, for example at the Diehtosiida cafeteria.
6. Join the Digigiisa short course
Sámi University of Applied Sciences' learning management system is called Digigiisa. This system is used by most of the courses. If you have not used it before, we have a short course running 29.08, at 9 AM.
7. Keycard to Diehtosiida
Diehtosiida is open for students all days from 6AM to 11:30PM. The doors will automatically be locked after 3:30PM. Remember to get your own keycard from the frontdesk reception.
8. Join in on introduction and welcome week and the orienteering activity
Now you have an opportunity to get to know other students while getting to know what our little town has to offer to students! During the introduction and welcome week we are arranging an orienteering activity on Wednesday 28.08 at 11AM. There are good winning prices and the activity is open for ALL students!
9. Join the study skills short course
How to manage your studies? Learn how to become more efficient while studying by joining the study skills course on Friday 30.09 at 9 AM. If you aim for good results, we recommend joining this short course.
10. Concert for students
Sámi University of Applied Sciences celebrates 30th anniversary this year! We celebrate this with a concert for students Saturday 31.08 at 10PM. Discounted tickets for students.