- Sámi máná áigumušat – Sámi mánáidgárddi, skuvlla ja lagasbirrasa máhttofievrrideapmi
- Álgge PhD-prográmmii
- Muitte ohcat oahpuide
- Ođđa studeantawebba
- Lihkkosávaldagat riddárii
- Sámi allaskuvla álggaha sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa doavttirgrádaoahpuid
- – Nuppi karriearan ollejin geahčái, dadjá ođđa professor Sámis.
- Nákkáhallá siiddastallanárbevieruid birra
- Dutkanbeivviid nammaárvalanvuorbádeami vuoiti vuorbáduvvon
njukčamánu 27. beaivi 2021
Students' access to Diehtosiida
In order to have access to Diehtosiida in the period 29 March-12 April, students will need a special keycard that they may receive at the front office.
The gym is closed between 31 March - 06 April.
The front office is open between 08.30-15.00