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Still available study places at Introductory Sámi Language in Practical Situation- Part I and II in Alta

Do you want to learn Sámi this fall? There are still available study places at Introductory Sámi Language in Practical Situation- Part I and II in Alta, fall semester 2018.

Graduation students 2018

Students at Sámi University of Applied Science got their graduation diploma.

Eighteen students have completed the Bachelor's degree and three students have completed the Master's degree program.

World Indigenous Research and Education Conference

On behalf of Sámi allaskuvla/Sámi University of Applied Sciences and World Indigenous Research Association, we would hereby like to invite you to 2018:s World Indigenous Research and Education Conference August 22th - 24th in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway.

New dean

Marit Meløy will be the head of our Departement for language, duodji, reindeerhusbandry and social sciences.

Departement of Sámi Teacher Educations and Indigenous Journalism has a new dean.

Seija Risten Somby will be the head of our Departement of Sámi Teacher Educations and Indigenous Journalism.

Tuition fees

Have you remembered to pay the semester fee for fall 2017

Public opening

Today we start the schoolyear of 2017/2018 officially.
Welcome to Sámi University of Applied Sciences!

Office - Free of charge for our students

Sámi University of Applied Sciences offers Microsoft Office package free of charge for our students.
