The Student Board

The Student Board manages the student policy at Sami University of Applied Sciences (SUAS). The Student Board is SUAS highest institute for students, and has influence in all matters concerning students at the university.

The board consists of five members and three deputy members.

What does the student board do at SUAS?

The Student Board works on behalf of the students with student political and academic matters, and shall strengthen and improve the students' learning situation and the social life when studying.

The Student Board organizes various social events and leisure activities. Together with SSO's board, the board must create a good learning situation at the place of study.

The Student Board promotes the students' views and interests to the board of SUAS and other committees. The board is a consultation group for all matters concerning the students.

The head of the student Board has monthly meetings with the rector and head of department. The Student Board otherwise has a close collaboration with the union representatives.
