What's up

Student event
18. February, 09:00 to 19. February, 15:00

Student Ombudsman in Diehtosiida

The Student Ombudsman at Sámi allaskuvla, Torill Varberg, will visit Diehtosiida during week 8.

27. March, 13:00 to 19:30

HuS Arctic International Conference

HuS Arctic arrange an International Conference:

  • 13:15 – 13:45 Excursion
    Guided tour through Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 14:00 – 14:15 Welcoming to Sámi University of Applied Sciences
     Welcoming words by Gunvor Guttorm, rector of Sámi University of Applied Sciences
  • 14:15 – 15:45 Session 6: Identity, Culture, and Community Values I: Migration and Sense of Place
    Location: Auditorium, Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino
     Elena Busyreva - Cultural Identity in Families With "The Finnish Origin" (According to Material of Murmansk Region)
     Olga Zmeyeva - "I have decided to live here...": adaptation of Azerbaijanis in northern town
     Zhigaltsova Tatyana Valentinovna - Favorite and least favorite places of the provincial north city (as exemplified in the drawings of school children)
     Aileen A. Espíritu - Arctic Migrations: securitizing refugees on the Russian-Norwegian border
  • 15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break
  • 16:00 – 17:30 Session 7: Identity, Culture, and Community Values II: Traditional Practices under Pressure by Recent Developments
    Location: Auditorium, Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino
     Olga Aleksandrovna Bodrova - Pseudo-Sami traditions in the context of the Arctic branding (on the example of the Murmansk region)
     Solveig Joks - Traditional knowledges are connected to practices
     Nils Oskal - t.b.a.
     Stefan Kirchner - Food Security of Indigenous Reindeer Herders in Finland and Decision-Making on Extractive Industries
  • 17:30 – 17:45 Break
  • 17:45 – 19:15 Session 8: Democratization, Participation and Empowerment
    Location: Auditorium, Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino
     Tytti Kurtti - Social capital and capacity in information gathering of the NGOs
     Dawid Bunikowski - Chosen considerations on the idea of two jurisdictions in indigenous areas: making natural resources management in Finnish Lapland just
     Line Kalak - The Sami property rights in the sea
     Anna Petrétei - Resource development and corporate behavior in the Sápmi region: prospects and possibilities of human rights impact assessment
     Dorothèe Cambou - The political security of indigenous peoples in the Barents region and the Barents Working Group of Indigenous Peoples
  • 19:15 – 19:25 Closing Session
    Location: Auditorium, Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino
     Closing words by Kamrul Hossain, HuSArctic principal investigator; director of Northern Institute for Environnental and Minority Law