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Lilliani Tahaafe-Williams
Bures! Mun namma lea Lilliani. Mun lean Australias eret, muhto mun gulan Polynesia eamialimogii.
Hello! My name is Lilliani. I am from Australia, but originally belong to the indigenous people of Polynesia.
I am a PhD student studying economic justice from the perspective of Indigenous women in North Sapmi and Northern Australia. I lived in Guovdageaidnus from May 2022 until January 2023 as part of my PhD studies. Living in Guovdageaidnus and studying SAAL at Sami Allaskuvlas was an incredibly enriching experience. I am grateful to my Sami Allaskuvlas supervisor who welcomed me and helped me settle in a new environment and community. Thanks to her, I was able to immerse myself in North Sami language, culture and the land while creating meaningful friendships and happy memories.

(Service at the church of Kautokeino)
I really enjoyed my time in Guovdageaidnus. I was honoured and humbeled to spend time with Sami people old and young who were fighting to reclaim and reimage their Indigenous identity, who were willing to articulate their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics and I also enjoyed to endless humour and wit and hospitality.

(View from my front door at the student dormitiory, winter is coming)
I loved my SSO apartment, the supermarkets (Extra and Rema) had everything I needed and while my SAAL teachers and classmates teased me from time-to-time, they were patient with me, helped me outside to class hours and were endlessly encouraging. I highly recommend Sami Allaskuvlas as a place to study and somewhere to live.

(My fellow students and our teacher inside the lavvu at Diehtosiida campus)
Ollu giitu Guovdageaidnu ja Sami Allaskuvla, mun lean návddašan!
Thank you Kautokeino and SUAS, I have had a good time!