Gisle Soleng
- Áigi lea buoremus oahpaheaddji. Sámi oahpaheaddjeoahppu lea erenoamáš buorre go sámi giella ja kultuvra lea nu nanus oassi juohke fágas.

Inga Hansen
To learn about indigenous issues and the Sámi issues as a journalist is great. I love to be in Sámi allaskuvla.

Marta Okotetto
- Thank you, it was one of the best practices in my life!

Lieuwe Jan Hettema
– Here I gained insights on the role of media and the construction of society and minorities, such as the Sámi and Frisians.

Bernt Morten Bongo
– It is a nice place for a student here, very good atmosphere. I studied Árbediehtu/Traditional knowledge, Bistevaš Design and Sámi language here.