Latest news
- Norwegian Embassy in Argentina celebrates Nordic research cooperation
- Apply for spring 2025 studies
- Housing, dining and kindergarten when you are student
- Haven't applied for studies yet for the coming autumn? We have extended the application deadline!
- New book on the conditions for Sámi art and duodji in Sápmi and the importance of self-determination
- Apply for studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences this fall!
- Ylva Jannok Nutti får Várdduos vetenskapliga pris 2023
- Stádabušeahtta: Nanne sámi alitoahpahusa
- Samiske tall forteller 15 er publisert

March 20. beaivi 2017
Álgge studeantan allaskuvlii
Leatgo jurddašeame maid áiggošit studeret 2017 čavčča ja 2018 giđa?
Sámi allaskuvllas ollu gelddolaš oahppofálaladagat, maidda sáhtát ohcat.
Geahča allaskuvlla oahppofálaldagaid dáppe:
Álgge don maid studeantan allaskuvlii!
Bures boahtin!