Kick-off & General Assembly Programme
Birgejupmi EU Horizon prošeakta. 1. fysalaš deaivvadeapmi
Sámi vahkku prográmma
Sámi allaskuvllas leat doalut mat leat rabas buohkaide.
Studeantaáittardeaddji Diehtosiiddas
Sámi allaskuvlla studeantaáittardeaddji Torill Varberg boahtá Diehtosiidii vahkku 8:s.
Sámiráđđi ja Sámi allaskuvla lágidit sámi dutkanbeivviid Diehtosiiddas geassemánu 10.b.-13.b.
Loahpahandoalut 2025
Sámi allaskuvla lágida 2024-2025 oahppojagi loahpahandoaluid Diehtosiiddas, Sáhkaskáiddis, bearja
Inclusive Journalism
Sámi University College, Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway, 2-3 November 2015
Sunday 1.11
09.00 Departure to Karasjok
10.30-12.00 Sámi National Museum and Sámi Collection, guided by Margarete Vars
15.00 Return from Karasjok, possibility to visit Sámi handicraft shops in Kautokeino
Monday 2.11
10.00-10.10 Greeting, Rector Gunvor Guttorm
10.10-10.30 Sámi legal and social status, Dr Nils Johan Päiviö, Sámi University College
10.30-10.50 The media landscape in the Sámi region, Dr Lia Markelin, Sámi University College
10-50-11.10 Pause
11.10-11.30 Sámi media history, Associate Professor Arne Johansen Ijäs
11.30-11.50 Sámi media use, Dr Torkel Rasmussen, Sámi University College
11.50-12.15 Discussion
14.00-14.20 Framing Inclusive Journalism: Between Necessary Idealism and Depressing Realism, Prof. Charlies Husband, Bradford University and Sámi University College
14.20-14.40 Journalism and Shadow Publics, Prof. Verica Rupar, AUT University, Auckland
14.40-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.15 Pause
15.15-15.45 Maori Broadcasting and Self-Determination, Adjunct Fellow Jane Huria (Ngāi Tahu) and Prof. Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury
15.45-16.05 Internationalization of higher education: the Inclusive Journalism Initiative, Head of International Department Inger Munk and Associate Prof. Inger K. Larsen, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Århus
16.05-16.25 Inclusive Journalism from a pedagogical perspective, Prof. Tom Moring, University of Helsinki and Sámi University College
16.25-17.00 Discussion
18.00 Buffet dinner offered by the Sámi University College
Dinner speech by the Dean Johan Strömgren
Tuesday 3.11
09.00-09.30 New realism in photography and film, Prof. Tytti Soila, Stockholm University
09.30-09.45 Discussion
10.00-13.00 Two parallel sessions: Indigenous Journalism Master's Programme student presentations in two workshops (the senior participants will serve as discussants) (rooms 02101 and 02102)
14.00-17.00 IJI Article workshop (for the article authors, the Journalism lecture room)
Guided tour to the Tundra (weather permitting)
18.00 Free evening activities (Pizza party at the Student House)