Marta Okotetto
- Thank you, it was one of the best practices in my life! Many thanks to my teachers, the host family, who took me to their home, opened the Sámi culture and language for me, it was the best way that helped me quickly and easily learn the Sámi language.

Inga Hansen
Lea erenomáš buorre journalisttan oahppat ja sámi- ja eamiálbmotáššiid birra. Ráhkistan Sámi allaskuvllas leahkit.

Sonia Hedhili
- Ledjen allaskuvllas lonuhallanstudeantan sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa bachelorprográmmas.

Inger Márjá Nilut
Olles PPO-oahppu ja measta visot lohkanmearri lea sámegillii. Beassat hárjehallamii gos oaidnit movt oahpaheaddji bargu lea.

Lise Karita Hætta
– Hástaleaddji ja girjás oahppu dat Sámi mánáidgárdeoahpaheaddjioahppu.

Joret Mihkkal Bals
– Olmmoš fuobmá man nuorra čálalaš sámegiella lea. Go logat sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa bacheloroahpu de soaittát vel fuobmát mii sápmelaš lea.